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Home > uhomes Live > Alumna talk Student Accommodation > Newcastle's Guide to Studying in Newcastle - Sister Eco&Finance will take you to avoid the life pits of Newcastle

Newcastle's Guide to Studying in Newcastle - Sister Eco&Finance will take you to avoid the life pits of Newcastle | Student Accommodation,Flats,Houses,Apartments for Rent

谢诗雨 Newcastle·United Kingdom

@Newcastle University




Studying at Newcastle University, love music, dance, British and American dramas, study and life well, cook master + learn master | Student Accommodation,Flats,Houses,Apartments for RentIntroduction

1. Various registrations and registrations for new arrivals in Newcastle - how to prepare? 2. Studying in Newcastle's diet - high-scoring restaurant recommendation and self-cooking guide 3. Newcastle accommodation - housing options and travel methods 4. Newcastle local and surrounding travel shopping guide

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