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Home > uhomes Live > Alumnus talk Student Accommodation > 10-year-old senior in the United States shares the dry goods for renting and avoiding pits in the United States

10-year-old senior in the United States shares the dry goods for renting and avoiding pits in the United States | Student Accommodation, Housing, Flats, Apartments for Rent

Frank Los Angeles·United States

@Los Angeles senior




An old senior in Los Angeles, currently a Ph.D. student, explaining various issues such as study, life, renting, job hunting, eating, drinking and having fun | Student Accommodation, Housing, Flats, Apartments for RentIntroduction

1. The essential knowledge of renting in the United States 2. What pitfalls have you encountered in 10 years of renting experience? 3. "Start from the word" of the strategy to avoid pits 4. How to rent a good house cheaply

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