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Home > uhomes Live > Alumna talk Student Accommodation > A student from the University of Sheffield in the UK will take you to avoid pits and how to become friends with the locals

A student from the University of Sheffield in the UK will take you to avoid pits and how to become friends with the locals | Student Accommodation, Housing, Flats, Apartments for Rent

吴品萱 Sheffield·United Kingdom

@University of Sheffield




A senior from the University of Sheffield in the UK teaches you how to make true friends abroad❤️ | Student Accommodation, Housing, Flats, Apartments for RentIntroduction

How to make local friends What are the channels to get in touch with more local people How to build conversations with local people to form long-term and deep friendships Which local people need to avoid contact as much as possible How to practice oral language by making local friends to understand and integrate into their culture

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