Bus Card in Australia
In Australia, each area bus card is different, must ask clearly before buying oh. We just came to Australia, the transport card must be done up, daily work and class need to use it. Otherwise, it is really difficult to walk. But, if more people travel together or suggest a taxi, there is a special taxi APP. And sitting comfortably, without crowded people is also cost-effective.
Australia is divided by region (each city has a special car card):
Sydney and New South Wales Opal Card

The Opal Card is a free smart transport card that is common around Sydney and is suitable for paying fares on all modes of transport including trains, ferries, buses and light rail trams. Use includes travelling on all forms of public transport throughout Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Hunter, Illawarra and Southern Highlands.
Melbourne Myki Card
The Myki card is valid on trams, trains, buses and the V/Line around Melbourne. Including Seymour, Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, the Latrobe Valley and Warragul.
Brisbane and Queensland Go Card
Brisbane‘s Gocard covers buses, trains and ferries. But distinguishes between rush hour and weekday fares and is divided into many zones (23 zones). Brisbane stretches in concentric circles from Zone 1 in the city centre. From zone 1 downtown to zone 5, it’s about an hour’s drive.
Where can I buy?
At the Airport
Sydney’s bus pass is Opal, and Melbourne’s is Myki. So if you are travelling by train or bus, you can buy it at the airport. If you have a pickup, you can buy it in the city.
Convenience Stores
Convenience stores in the city, such as 7-11, can buy it. The card itself does not cost anything, so you can top up the card directly. Transportation cost in Australia is quite high. It costs $3 for 5 or 6 train stops. So if you need to go to school by bus, you can top up your card with $50 or $100.
Download an App to Top up
Just like phone cards, you can download an app to manage your bus card and top up or lose it online. The app for Opal card is called Opal Travel.
Bank Card in Australia
Firstly, new students will be carrying a lot of cash with them when they first enter the country. So getting a bank account in time to deposit your cash will greatly reduce the chance of it being lost or stolen. Secondly, you will need to link your bank account to other cards such as your Medicare card!
- Required documents.
- Passport
- Visa (Visa printout)
- Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment COE (Confirmation of Enrolment)
- Local Australian mobile phone number
- Residential address in Australia
Processing Procedure.
After you have decided on the bank of your choice, choose a branch near your address;
Say “open a bank account” to the staff at the bank branch. And then the staff will lead you to open an account;
We are in the bank for smart access, that is, the money current account, all the receipts and payments are in this account for operation. At the same time, this account is not of any interest. There is also a savings account, this account has interest. Generally in the card, the staff will ask if you want to save, if not if you can also take the initiative to put it forward. So you can usually put 100 dollars in the access account. But not enough when you transfer from the savings account to the access, which is the transfer as you go.
The card will be mailed to your address within 7 working days. But after you get the account password, you can start using the mobile banking app to do all the operations, including cardless cash withdrawal.
Australia’s Four Major Banks
Commonwealth Bank Australia
Commonwealth Bank of Australia basically fulfils every one of the above requirements. Headquartered in Sydney, it offers free student accounts, lots of branches and ATMs. And relative convenience. The main reason for choosing them is that they have free student accounts. And they have all the facilities that a modern big bank should have. Another reason is that it’s the most popular bank for international students and there are branches and ATMs all over the place. Also, Commonwealth Bank’s mobile banking app and online banking are the best to use. There are also some student financial products and student credit cards. All in all, this is the first place to consider for international students to get a card.
Nab Bank National Australia Bank
Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia’s largest commercial bank, with no annual fee. In addition, Nab Bank has a branch in Shanghai. So you can set up a bank card before you go to Australia. And you can get it offline directly after you enter the country, which is also more convenient for you.
ANZ Bank
ANZ Bank is another favourite bank for international students and is the oldest and most famous bank in Australia; It also offers free student accounts for international students and is also based in Melbourne. I also have a mobile app and a range of services tailored specifically for international students.
Westpac Bank
Westpac Bank was Australia’s first bank and is one of the country’s largest banks, based in Sydney; also an option for international students.
Medical Insurance Card in Australia
A health insurance card is a must because without one you will not be reimbursed for medical treatment and medication. And it is very expensive to pay for it on your own. International students are mandated to purchase OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) when applying for an Australian visa. And the length of the insurance purchased should fully cover the length of the course. You purchase the insurance based on the duration of the COE course, which is calculated from one month prior to the planned date of entry to two months after the planned date of departure, which is a more generous period of time.
The role of OSHC, in addition to the mandatory need to apply for a visa, also provides health care coverage for the little ones to reduce the pressure of seeing a doctor in Australia! Australia is one of the first countries to implement a welfare system. The national health insurance card Medicare is its masterpiece. But also an important factor in attracting people from around the world to move to Australia.
Purchase of Health Insurance
- Purchase directly through some schools. You can choose a school to buy OSHC at the same time as you pay your tuition fees. And then the start and end dates of OSHC will be indicated when subsequent partners get their offers. This operation is more convenient.
- Purchase on your own. There are 5 companies in Australia that provide OSHC purchasing services, they are AHM, NIB, Allianz, Medibank, and Bupa.
What Expenses are Reimbursed by Medicare?
- In the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), 100% of the cost of a visit to a general practitioner or 85% of the cost of a visit to a specialist and 85% of the cost of a medical test are reimbursed;
- 100% reimbursement of inpatient medical expenses incurred under the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) (e.g. surgery);
- Shared wards in public hospitals;
- Shared private hospital wards (only those hospitals that have a contractual agreement with the Overseas Student Medical Insurance Corporation);
- Day surgery accommodation;
- A certain maximum amount of re-examination devices or prostheses;
- a certain amount of drug reimbursement. Each individual can claim one medication reimbursement from the cost of medication with a unit cost of between AU$50 – AU$300;
- 100 per cent reimbursement of ambulance service costs only if emergency treatment is required.
The OSHC Policy Does Not Cover the Following Purchases
- Expenses that have been advanced prior to travelling to Australia;
- Those who have already received damages and compensation benefits;
- Expenses incurred while travelling to or from Australia;
- Overseas students who have been removed from Australia or who are dependent on Australia for any reason.
The Opal Card is essential because it allows you to travel on public transport throughout Sydney and its surrounding areas. It’s both convenient and cost-effective as you just tap on and off each time you travel.
You can purchase a Myki card at any train station, some bus interchanges, retail stores, and online. It provides access to trains, trams, and buses in Melbourne and regional Victoria.
Yes, most public transport networks in Australia accept contactless payment methods like credit cards. However, having an Opal or Myki card will often be more cost-effective, especially if you’re planning on using public transport frequently.
No, the Opal Card is exclusive to the Sydney region, while the Myki card is for Melbourne and regional Victoria. They are not interchangeable.
You can request a refund for any remaining balance on your Opal card when you leave Australia. However, Myki cards are non-refundable. For SIM cards, refunds would depend on the terms of your specific plan and provider.