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Cost of Living UK vs US: Which is Higher?

Cost of living UK vs US is always a hot topic. Some people wonder which one has a higher cost of living, because both the UK and the US are home to plenty of top universities and great job opportunities. Most people usually think that it costs more to live in the United States. However, it is not accurate, because the cost of living in these two countries will vary depending on the city you choose to stay in and the different aspects you compare. In this article, we will focus on several aspects of comparison to provide a preference for those considering heading to these two countries for work or study.

Cost of living in America vs UK: where to live?

To compare UK cost of living vs US, it is important to understand that cost of living in the UK and the US varies widely from region to region. In the UK, London is consistently the most expensive place to live, and the other relatively expensive cities are ranked below.

      1. London
      2. Bristol
      3. Brighton
      4. St. Albans
      5. Oxford
      6. Cambridge
      7. Winchester
      8. Edinburgh
      9. Portsmouth
      10. Chelmsford

New York is the most expensive city to live in the US, and the top 10 cities are listed below.

      1. New York City
      2. Los Angeles
      3. San Francisco
      4. Honolulu
      5. Washington, D. C.
      6. Boston
      7. San Diego
      8. San Jose
      9. Seattle
      10. Miami

If you choose a different city, the exact cost will also differ, considering many factors. Here are some specific aspects to compare cost of living UK vs US.

UK cost of living vs US: Accommodation

apartments in the uk

Accommodation costs in the US are generally higher than those in the UK. Accommodation is undoubtedly a critical issue regarding the cost of living in both countries, and its price fluctuations largely reflect a country’s economy. The United Kingdom and the United States have many similarities in language and culture, but they show very different characteristics when it comes to accommodation costs.

In the UK market, the price of London accommodation has always been the highest. The accommodation in Bristol, Edinburgh and other places is also very expensive. The reasons for this situation include Britain’s high level of urbanization and modernization, dense population, and the shortage of land for the preservation of historical buildings.

On the other hand, the US accommodation market is more complicated. Even in the same city, like New York, the price of an apartment in New York centre and a villa on the city’s outskirts is totally different. People can choose the price and type of accommodation that they prefer.

Accommodation Types United Kingdom United States
Monthly rent for 1 bedroom apartment (city center) $1,350.27 $1,777.62
Monthly rent for 1 bedroom apartment (outside center) $1,091.66 $1,459.07
Monthly rent for 3 bedroom apartment (city center) $2,228.45 $2,989.19
Monthly rent for 3 bedroom apartment (outside center) $1,710.41 $2,425.16
Price per square meter to buy apartment (city center) $6,373.88 $3,983.91
Price per square meter to buy apartment (outside center) $4,793.15 $3,161.23

UK cost of living vs US: Transport

We can see from the table that transport cost in the US is lower than that in the UK. Transport expenses not only directly influence the economic burden of enterprises and individuals, but also profoundly affect the national economy, logistics efficiency and even international trade.

Because the UK and the US have their own characteristics in location, economy and population density, there are some significant differences in transport costs. The United States, with its vast territory, has a transport network dominated by highways and airways, while the United Kingdom is a nation consisting of several islands, with railways and roads as its core of transport. The United States has a well-developed highway system, while the United Kingdom has a long, dense and extensive railway network. In terms of energy prices, the United States benefits from its abundant oil resources with relatively low gasoline prices, while the United Kingdom is affected by the European energy market with relatively high oil prices. In addition, tax policy is also an important factor affecting transport costs in UK vs US. The United States has relatively low taxes on cars and fuels, while the United Kingdom has high taxes on cars and fuels.

These factors work together to make the transport costs in the UK and the US show different characteristics.

Transport types United Kindom United States
Single bus ticket $3.01 $2.50
Monthly public transport ticket $78.55 $70.00
Petrol (1 liter) $1.88 $1.00
Volkswagen Golf $26,496.80 $25,000.00
Toyota Corolla $26,801.23 $23,230.28

UK cost of living vs US: Food & Groceries

When it comes to food and groceries, the cost in the US is also higher than that in the UK. Besides accommodation and transport, food and groceries are another crucial elements people may care about when they move into a new place. Their costs are not only related to people’s daily life, but also reflect the national economy, consumption habits and agricultural policies. The following section will compare food and grocery costs in the United Kingdom and the United States from several aspects to provide readers with a comprehensive perspective.

In the United States, agricultural products’ prices are relatively low, thanks to its large-scale agricultural production, advanced agricultural technology and efficient logistics system. And the competition in the restaurant industry is fierce, resulting in lower food prices. When it comes to the UK, as an island country, the price of agricultural products is greatly affected by climate and location. British consumers also have high food quality requirements, thus pushing up food prices.

In addition, tax policies, subsidy policies, food safety standards and other factors also have an impact on the cost of food in the UK and the US. The US government has a large subsidy to agriculture, which helps to reduce the price of agricultural products. In Britain, higher taxes on food processing and retailing have increased the cost of food. In terms of food safety standards, both the UK and the US attach great importance, but the UK’s standards are stricter, which may also lead to higher food prices.

Then, we will provide a table showing figures for some food and groceries, aiming to provide readers with a panoramic understanding of food and grocery expenses in the UK and the US.

Food types United Kindom United States
Milk (1 liter) $1.20 $1.02
Bread (500g loaf) $1.23 $3.26
Eggs (12pk) $2.52 $4.03
Water (1.5 liter bottle) $1.19 $1.92
Chicken breast (1kg) $6.86 $11.90
Cappuccino (regular, in a restaurant) $3.53 $4.66
Beer (500ml, in a restaurant or pub) $4.82 $5.00

UK cost of living vs US: Utilities

plug, electricity

The cost of different kinds of utilities varies in the UK and the US. Residents’ expenditure on public utility services, especially in their student accommodation, including the cost of basic services such as electricity, heating, water supply, sewage treatment, etc., is an important indicator to measure residents’ cost of living.

The price of utilities in the US is affected by many factors, including regional differences, energy structure, market freedom and government policies. US residents spend relatively less on electricity and gas, which is related to their rich energy reserves. At the same time, the market competition in the United States is relatively fierce, and multiple suppliers provide different service deals and prices, so residents have more choices.

In contrast, public services in the United Kingdom are influenced by both government policies and market mechanisms. In recent years, the United Kingdom has actively promoted the energy transition and increased investment in renewable energy, directly affecting residents’ electricity and gas expenditures. In addition, the British government has adopted a series of policies to ensure the stability and affordability of energy supply, such as subsidies for low-income families. However, British people still have to spend more money than Americans on utilities.

Through the comparative analysis of the expenditure of utilities in Britain and the United States, we can have a deeper understanding of their energy consumption, infrastructure development and social welfare policies. Below, we will compare the details of utilities spending in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Utility types (monthly) United Kingdom United States
Basic (electricity, heating, cooling, water, garbage) for 85 square meters apartment $322.00 $206.60
Mobile phone monthly plan with calls and 10GB+data $16.04 $53.90
Internet (60 mbps or more, unlimited data, cable/ADSL) $39.77 $70.78

UK cost of living vs US: Healthcare

doctor, healthcare

When it comes to cost of living America vs UK, healthcare cost has to be mentioned. Globally, the price of healthcare is not only an important indicator of a country’s economic development and people’s well-being, but also a key factor in measuring the perfection of its medical and health system.

The United Kingdom and the United States, the world’s two major economies, have different health systems: the United Kingdom adopts the National Health Service (NHS), while the United States has a mixed public-private health system, which is based on private insurance. Although there are significant differences between the two countries’ healthcare systems in how they deliver services and how they are funded, both face challenges in controlling healthcare costs and improving service quality. In this context, the contrast between UK and US health spending is fundamental.

Healthcare expenses in the United Kingdom come mainly from government taxes and cover almost all basic medical services, while healthcare costs in the United States are spread among the government, businesses and individuals, who bear relatively high medical costs. Here are some detailed comparisons of health spending between the two countries:

Admission United Kingdom United States
Cancer related treatment (including chemotherapy) $30,000 $150,000
Gastric sleeve $10,000 $22,000
Breast reduction $6,500 $6,450
Broken bones $3,336 $2,500
Cornea surgery $3,175 $28,000
Optical surgery (per eye) $3,150 $4,000
Lung disease treatment $1,500 $7,000
CT scan (CT admission for scans only) $907 $3,275

UK cost of living vs US: Childcare

kindergarten, childcare

Childcare is another important part of comparing cost of living in Britain vs US. The levels and patterns of childcare expenses reflect a country’s social welfare system and emphasis on childhood education. The UK and the US have different policies and practices on childcare, reflecting their different social values and policy orientations.

The UK has long campaigned for a comprehensive childcare system to ease the financial burden on families and support parents, especially mothers, in returning to work. The UK government reduces the cost of childcare for families by providing tax incentives, subsidies and direct services such as nurseries and early learning centres. In addition, the UK has a dedicated national standard to ensure the quality and safety of childcare services.

By contrast, the US childcare system is more market-based, with a relatively minor role for the government. American families typically spend more on childcare, and the quality and availability of services vary by region and income level. Although the US government also provides some tax breaks and subsidy programs, the support is often insufficient to cover the total cost of childcare, resulting in many families having to shoulder a heavy financial burden.

Specifically, the UK spends a relatively high proportion of GDP on childcare, reflecting the government’s greater investment in childcare. Childcare expenses in the United States, while large in total, are relatively low as a percentage of GDP and unevenly distributed. This difference is not only reflected in the fiscal expenditures of the two governments, but also reflected in the economic pressure on families and social fairness.

The following part will provide a detailed comparison of childcare costs in the United Kingdom and the United States, aiming to provide insight into policy choices and trends in both countries. Through this comparison, we can better understand the economic, social and cultural factors behind childcare costs and how these factors have shaped the childcare systems in both countries.

Childcare types United Kingdom United States
Preschool (or kindergarten), full day, private, monthly for 1 child $1,641.08 $1,386.98
International primary school, yearly for 1 child $19,088.68 $22,668.98

UK cost of living vs US: Higher Education

college, university, higher education, campus

Many students who plan to study abroad will be concerned about the cost of living in America vs UK. Overall, students who study in the US spend more than those in the UK.

With their wonderful academic atmosphere, advanced educational concepts, rich and diverse curriculum and excellent teachers, the UK and the US attract countless students with dreams from all corners of the world. For instance, there are several top universities in the UK, like the University of Manchester, Imperial College London, UCL, University of Leeds and so on. As for the US, prestigious universities are also everywhere, such as MIT, Harvard University, Princeton University, etc. However, while embarking on this journey full of promise and challenges, students and their families face a crucial reality — the cost of higher education.

Education expenditure covers many aspects, from tuition to cost of living, from the availability of scholarships and grants to the expected return on the overall investment in education. For every student who aspires to pursue knowledge and shape their future, a clear understanding of the detailed comparison of spending in the UK and the US is undoubtedly an essential step in making informed decisions.

The following part will deeply analyze the details of university education expenses in the United Kingdom and the United States. A comprehensive comparison of tuition, cost of living, and other relevant factors provides a detailed, objective and practical reference for students who are standing at the crossroads of life and facing choices to help them pursue their academic dreams. Based on sufficient information and rational thinking, they can make the choice that best meets their own development needs and economic conditions.

Expenditure type United Kingdom United States
Average tuition fees yearly $9,250-39,475 (undergraduate)
$5,000-35,750 (postgraduate)
$9,000-14,000 (undergraduate)
$1,7000-2,4000 (postgraduate)
Average living expenses monthly $1,445 (London) $2,350 (New York)
length of schooling 3 years (undergraduate)
1-2 years (postgraduate)
4 years (undergraduate)
1-2 years (postgraduate)

Cost of living UK vs US: which one is cheaper?

To sum up, comparing UK vs US cost of living is a complicated work. Based on the above data, there are significant regional differences in accommodation in the UK and the US, so it is difficult to generalize which costs more. But in general, the British people spend more on transport than the Americans, while the Americans spend more on food and groceries than the British people. As for utilities, in addition to energy-related items, you have to spend more in the US. British people also spend less in healthcare. When it comes to education, both childcare and higher education spend more overall in the United States. You can use the above data and analysis, as well as some other information, to determine your living budget.

The complexity of accommodation also makes it difficult to grasp the rental market in the UK and the US. Which city is better for you to live in? Where is the apartment with all the amenities you need? How can I rent a satisfying house at a lower price? These problems are very troubling. Enter uhomes.com now and let our professional team solve these problems for you, making renting no longer a problem!


Although there are various kinds of accommodation, generally, people in the US cost more for rent than those in the UK.

Accommodation TypesUnited KingdomUnited StatesDifferences
Monthly rent for 1 bedroom apartment (city center)$1,350.27$1,777.62+24.0%
Monthly rent for 1 bedroom apartment (outside center)$1,091.66$1,459.07+25.2%
Monthly rent for 3 bedroom apartment (city center)$2,228.45$2,989.19+25.4%
Monthly rent for 3 bedroom apartment (outside center)$1,710.41$2,425.16+29.5%

However, it is tough to choose the right accommodation. You have to consider the price, transport around your apartment, amenities you should have, services you should receive and so on. Here we are! We can patiently answer your questions, and provide professional suggestions. So please contact us, uhomes.com, without hesitation, if you want to rent a satisfying apartment in an unfamiliar city.

According to Numbeo, people in the US earn more than those in the UK.
Salaries United Kingdom United States Differences
Average monthly net salaries (after tax) $3,083.16 $4,495.43 +31.4%

Although both the UK and the US apply progressive tax systems, the UK system has fewer brackets and a higher starting rate after personal allowances. The tax rates of the UK’s progressive tax structure span from 20% to 45%. In contrast, the federal tax rates in the US range from 10% to 37%.

Furthermore, the US levies taxes on the worldwide income of its citizens and residents, while the UK’s tax system is contingent upon an individual’s residence and domicile status.

In the UK, London is always the most expensive city to live in, while in the US, the cost of living is the highest in New York City.

Under the same circumstances, that is, assuming the individual’s professional background, language ability, work experience and other conditions are similar, there is still no absolute answer to the question of which country is better to find a job in the UK or the US, because each country has its own advantages. Here are some factors to consider for your reference:

United States:

  1. A nation of immigrants: The United States has historically been a nation of immigrants and is open to international talent.
  2. Size of economy: The United States is one of the largest economies in the world and provides a large number of jobs.
  3. Industry diversity: The United States has a strong strength in many fields, such as science and technology, finance, medical care, and law, and there are many employment options.
  4. Work visas: While the H-1B visa is highly competitive, the United States offers a variety of work visa categories, and some specific industries, such as technology, are in high demand for international talent.

United Kingdom:

  1. International Student Work Policy: The UK has reinstated the Post-Study Work (PSW) visa from 2021, allowing international students to find work in the UK for two years after completing their studies.
  2. Length advantage: Master’s programmes in the UK are typically one year long, which means students can enter the job market more quickly.
  3. Language environment: The UK provides a pure English working environment, which is directly helpful in improving English level and work skills.

Nonetheless, here are some additional factors to consider:

  1. Visa policy: The H-1B visa approval rate in the United States is not 100%, there is uncertainty, but although the United Kingdom provides PSW visas, it is also challenging to find a suitable job and convert to a work visa.
  2. Certain majors may have better job prospects in the UK, while others may be more popular in the US.
  3. Cost of living: The cost of living UK vs US varies from city to city.

Generally speaking, if all things are equal, the United States probably will provide more jobs because of its larger economy and diversity of industries. However, this does not mean that good jobs cannot be found in the UK, especially in certain industries or fields.

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