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American Grading System: An Ultimate Guide

What is the American grading system? How to calculate my GPA according to the US GPA grading system? What is an A+? If you are planning to study in the United States and enter the best universities in the US, you need to understand the rigorous US grading system and American grading scale. In this blog, we will provide a deep insight into the US education grading system, learn how to calculate your grades via the US grading scale, and explore the differences between the U.S. grading system and the UK’s or India’s. Follow our steps and start our adventure from the US education grading system in detail!

American Grading System Overview

A grading system assesses the marks and academic performance of the individual by using the common standards. American Grading System is standardized and used by the institutions across the country. The 4.0 scale grading system is the most common American grading system. Besides, the US GPA grading system is derived from the letter grade system and percentage grading system.

Types of US Grading System

Letter Grading and Variations

American letter grading system is the most common grading system used in USA academic institutions. The segment grading scale includes A+, A, A-, B+, B-, B-, C+, C-, D+, D, D- and F. Among the above, A+ means the highest grade, while F means the lowest. 

The Common American Grading System
Letter Grade Description
A Excellent
B Good
C Average
D Below Average
F Fail

Percentage Grading/ Numerical Grading

U.S. grading system percentage grading uses a percentage scale to grade the performance of students. The percentage grading ranges from 0-100%. In a course, each assignment or exam is scored as a percentage, and these scores contribute to the overall course grade. The overall grade is typically weighted based on the type of work, like homework, quizzes, presentations, exams and more.

Grade Point Scale

Grade Point Average, with GPA as the abbreviation, is a standard way to measure the academic performance of the student. GPA shows the overall average of all your grades for a specific time period, like a semester or a quarter. The GPA, in US GPA grading system, is usually calculated on a 4.0 scale. 

The Common GPA System in America
Letter Grade Grade Point Scale
A 4.0
B 3.0
C 2.0
D 1.0
F 0.0

Masters Grading

Masters grading is also a US grading scale, which includes the ‘masters’ or ‘passers’. Masters grading is used when students reach specific standardized measurements or pre-specified performance levels.

Pass or Fail Grading

Pass or Fail grading in American grading scale is only with two levels, which are pass or fail. There is no letter or percentage recorded in this US grading scale, only the ‘pass’ or ‘fail’. Students can get a ‘pass’ by doing satisfactory work.

Absolute Standard Grading

In the US grading system, there is also a grading scale called absolute or standard grading. According to this America grading scale, teachers or professors need to compare students’ performance to a pre-established level of performance. In addition, teachers or professors can also choose to show the students’ grading by writing the comments when using absolute or standard grading scale.

Special Grading Scale in the US

In the US education grading system, there is also a few different letter, like IP, NC, and W, to highlight the status of your course in your transcript.

IP (In Progress): If students haven’t finished the task of a subject by the deadline, they will get this IP grade. However, once they completed the subject, the IP grade will be covered to the regular grade.

NC (Not Complete): If students didn’t finished a task or homework assigned to them, they will get the NC grade of the course on their transcript.

W (Withdrawn): This grading in USA is graded to students present or attending classes but drop out midway.

us grading system

Types of US GPA Grading System

In US GPA grading system, there are three categories of GPA, which are Class GPA, Semester GPA, and Cumulative GPA.

Class GPA: In the GPA system in America, Class GPA is also known as the course GPA, meaning the GPA of the specific course, like the GPA of math in a semester.

For the Semester GPA in the USA, it reflects the  overall performance of the student in a semester or a quarter.

Cumulative GPA: According to the American grading system GPA, Cumulative GPA is the overall GPA that the student gained throughout the whole academic career, like the overall GPA in your undergraduate stage.  Cumulative GPA includes all academic activities, as well as extra-curriculars that can significantly improve your GPA, reflecting the comprehensive academic performance of the student.

Types of Honors in US Grading Scale

Based on the grading system in America, students who pass and meet the requirements of education level can receive a gratuitous honor based on students’ GPA. The types of honors and the requirements to gain the honors in US grading system is different among the institutes. Here is the information about the honors in US grading scale:

  • Cum Laude: With Honor; GPA reaches 3.5-3.6.
  • Magna Cum Laude: With Great Honor; GPA requirement is 3.7 – 3.8.
  • Summa Cum Laude: With Greatest Honor; GPA must reach 3.9 – 4.0.

How to Calculate the Grade Point Average (GPA)?

In the grades system in USA, calculating the GPA is not just the average of the sum of your grades, but determined by the amount of semester hours. Here we list the five steps for helping you calculate your GPA in the American education grading system:

Step 1: Understand the Grading Scale

Here’s a table of letter grades and their corresponding grade points in the school grading system in USA for you to better understand the Grading scale:

Letter Grades to Grade Points in U.S. Grading System
Letter Grades Grade Point Scale
A+ 4.33 to 4
A 4
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1
0- 0.7
F 0

Step 2: Convert Your Letter Grades to Grade Points

For each course, convert your letter grade to its corresponding grade point value via the table above. For example, if you received a B in a course, your grade point in that course is 3.0.

Step 3: Multiply by Credit Hours

Multiply the grade points for each course by the number of credit hours of the course. For example, if you received a B (3.0) in a 3-credit course, the final grade points for that course is:

3.0 (grade points) x 3 (credit hours) = 9.0 grade points.

Step 4: Sum Your Total Grade Points and Credit Hours

Add up all the final grade points you calculated for each course. Meanwhile, sum the total number of credit hours you attempted.

Step 5: Divide Total Grade Points by Total Credit Hours

Finally, divide the total grade points by the total credit hours to get your GPA:

GPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credit Hours

Example for GPA Calculation

For example, let’s say you took three courses this semester. In which, Course 1 is worth 3 credits, and you earned an A in the course, with a GPA value of 4.0. While Course 2 is worth 4 credits, and you earned a B in the course with a GPA value of 3.0. And Course 3 is worth 3 credits, and you earned a C in the class with a GPA value of 2.0. Here are the steps to calculate your semester GPA: 

Course 1: A (4.0) in a 3-credit course = 4.0 x 3 = 12.0 grade points

Course 2: B (3.0) in a 4-credit course = 3.0 x 4 = 12.0 grade points

Course 3: C (2.0) in a 3-credit course = 2.0 x 3 = 6.0 grade points

Total Grade Points = 12.0 + 12.0 + 6.0 = 30.0

Total Credit Hours = 3 + 4 + 3 = 10

GPA = 30.0 / 10 = 3.0

How to Convert GPA to Percentage for American Grading System?

In the US grading system, to convert GPA to percentage, you can use the formula as follows: 

Percentage = (GPA / Maximum GPA) x 100

For example, if your GPA is 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, the calculation would be:

Percentage = (3.5 / 4.0) x 100 = 87.5%

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In the American grading system, letter grades and numerical values are closely related. Specifically, each letter grade corresponds to a number or percentage. The grading systems in America is also used to calculate your GPA. However, each college or university has its own rules on which grade corresponds to what letter. Here is a general relationship of the percentage to letter grade in US education grading system.

Relationship Between Letters and Numerical Grading System in USA
Grades Percentages
A+ 97-100
A 93-96
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F Less than 60

When facing the American education grading system, understanding the relationship between letter grades and numerical values allows for a clear and standardized assessment of academic performance across different institutions. It also facilitates the comparison of student performance and eligibility for scholarships, honors, and other academic opportunities.

What is the U.S. Grading System in USA High Schools?

Most public United States high schools may use various grading systems. Here is a U.S. grading system used by most U.S. high schools.

U.S. Grading System in USA High Schools
Letter Grade Percentage GPA
A 90%-100% 4
B 80%-89% 3
C 70%-79% 2
D 60%-69% 1
F 60% 0

What is the U.S. Grading System in American Universities and Colleges?

Most universities or colleges in the United States may use the different grading system. Here is a U.S. grading system used by most universities and colleges in US.

U.S. Grading System in American Universities and Colleges
Letter Grade Percentage GPA
A+ 97-100% 4.33 or 4.00
A 93-96% 4
A- 90-92% 3.67
B+ 87-89% 3.33
B 83-86% 3
B- 80-82% 2.67
C+ 77-79% 2.33
C 73-76% 2
C- 70-72% 1.67
D+ 67-69% 1.33
D 63-66% 1
D- 60-62% 0.67
F 0-59% 0

UK Grading System vs US Grading System

When it come to the UK grading system vs American, most parts of the grading system are different, yet, some of them are similar. The UK grading system uses a class grade order, which is different from the grading systems in America. However, in the United Kingdom grading system, the letter grades scale is similar to that in the American grading system, although not in the same way.

American Grading System vs Indian Grading System

The United States grading scale is totally different from the Indian grading system. In India, the grading scale for analyzing the students is range from 1 to 10, which is called the CGPA. However, both the grading system in American schools and the education grading system in India evaluate the students’ performance and understanding of the course.

Conclusion on American Grading System

Understanding the American Grading System, and how 4.0 scales, letter grades and numerical systems are related is essential for students navigating the American education system. We hope these knowledge are helpful for you to interpret your academic standing and make informed decisions about your educational paths. 

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FAQs About American Grading System

By the 1930’s, letter grading scale was used throughout the American grading system, and there was an E in the US education grading system. However, many students and parents thought the ‘E’ represented for ‘Excellent’. Therefore, to avoid the confusion, E was removed from the grading system, instead by the letter F which represents the failure.

To measure the CGPA of a student according to the US grading system, we need to use the sum of the GPA of a student in all semesters to be divided by the sum of the student’s total credit hours.

In the United States, students are graded on their mastery of a course. Besides, it only means the mastery of the course not the whole subject. 100% means you know everything of the content in the particular course. Meanwhile, 85% means that you miss the 15% of what you should know. While, 40% means you know less than what you don’t know. Those large gaps are enough to push a student’s grade down to a B or even F.

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