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Finding York: 3 Must-Visit Historic Sites

Speaking of travelling to the UK, York, located northeast of England, is an absolute must-visit hotspot. Besides, as the largest county in the UK, York boasts a rich history spanning over two millennia. It even earned the nickname ‘God’s Own County‘.

Just guess: first-time travellers to the UK might opt for well-known cities like London, Manchester, or Liverpool. But if you’re seeking a magical adventure, York should undoubtedly top your list. Today, we’ll introduce the most worth-visiting attractions of York. Inviting you to explore one of the most compelling tourist destinations globally!York

01 York: National Railway Museum

First up for you is the world’s largest train museum


The National Railway Museum is located in York, England. It covers an area of 20 acres. Therefore, it is the largest train museum in the world. And, it won the title of the best museum in Europe in 2001.

Whether you’re a train fan or a Harry Potter fan, the National Railway Museum is one of the must-see attractions when you’re in York. As a haven for train enthusiasts from all over the world, it has the title of the best museum in Europe.


The National Railway Museum’s main collection focuses on the development and history of Britain’s railways. This includes an introduction to the impact of British railways on modern industrial development and society in Britain.

There are 103 locomotives and nearly 200 coaches in the collection. Most of these were built or operated in Britain. Therefore, the railway vehicles in the museum are mainly British vehicles.

02 York: York Minster

Be famous since ancient times


It is the largest Gothic second cathedral in northern Europe. From the architectural aesthetics to the religious and cultural history, it is incomparably brilliant and magnificent.

The erection of the church had already begun in 1230. York Minster reflects the typical Gothic style. The Great East Window at the easternmost end of Notre Dame is the largest medieval stained glass in the world. The famous Rose Window on the south side is known as “the eye of Gothic architecture“.


Every evening, Vespers is held in the church. As a result, the choir and the organ sing in harmony, adding to the solemnity and grandeur of York Minster.

At the same time, the church hall is also the filming location of Hogwarts Hall in the Harry Potter films.

03 York: The Shambles

Definitely open up a new world for you


Whenever you go travelling abroad, shopping is definitely an essential part of the journey. The Shambles in York will definitely open up a new world for you compared to the usual shopping mall experience.

The Shambles is where the young wizards in the Harry Potter films buy all their magical props and books. Also, it is the prototype of Diagon Alley, which has a very magical fairy tale atmosphere. The Shambles is also one of the best-preserved and oldest medieval streets in Britain.


In addition, The Shambles is filled with various Harry Potter souvenir shops—as well as antique shops of all sizes. If you’re a fan of vintage or antiques, you’ll get a taste of magic at The Shambles. You’ll also experience a blissful treasure hunt into antique heaven. You can also experience a happy treasure hunt in the antique paradise in York.


Stepping into Yorkshire is like stepping into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

So why don’t you visit York and experience the history and culture? Whether you’re an international student or a tourist, you’ll find something different here. Also, if you are visiting or studying here, you should book your student accommodation in York early!

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