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University of Nottingham Halls of Residence Accommodation/Application Guidelines

Nottingham is a city in the United Kingdom, situated in the south of the centre. There is the world-famous University of Nottingham, and the school’s halls of residence are spread over two campuses, University Park and Jubilee Campus. The former is one of the few campuses in the UK, what is the meaning of this, we all know that many universities are a mixture of school buildings and residential buildings, and there are no very clear boundaries, but the UP campus is east, west, south, north and south doors, the boundaries are very clear, but also very beautiful. The JC campus is where the business department is located, which is also very beautiful, and the school buildings are more centralised.

There are two types of halls of residence at the University of Nottingham: Catered halls and self-catered halls, and the biggest difference is whether meals are included or not.

Catered halls
Catered halls are for Undergraduates only, not postgraduates. There are 14 such halls on the University of Nottingham’s campus, 12 of which are in University Park and the remaining 2 are in Jubilee Campus, and the two campuses are very close to each other, about half a mile away, a 5-minute bike ride, and there is also an on-campus bus that runs once every 15 minutes.

1. University Park
The halls on this campus offer the following 7 types of rooms: 1. En suite Plus; 2. En Suite; 3. Shared en suite; 4. Private shared bathroom; 5. Single study Plus; 6. Single study; 7. Shared study. Fees vary, ranging from 146 to 339 students per hall.

Located 15 minutes by bus from the city centre and surrounded by a wide range of amenities, hall contracts are usually signed for 31 weeks/year at a time.

Specifically, from Monday to Friday, breakfast and dinner are served in the halls, while on Saturday and Sunday, brunch and dinner are served. You will be given a £5.30 allowance on your student card to spend. You can visit other catered halls and other places on campus that offer meals.

Housekeeping staff will come and clean your room once a fortnight and communal spaces once a week. You can bring your bedding, which is sold on campus at normal prices, and there is a laundry room in the hall, so you should bring your laundry supplies.

Room Details
As I said above, there are 7 types of rooms available in the halls of this campus. Here are the details of each room type:

1) En-suite Plus (suite, bigger than bigger): with a 3/4 bed (called in UK, it is bigger than a single bed and smaller than a double bed); private bedroom, bathroom, toilet and washbasin.

2) En-suite (suite, normal version): the difference between the bigger and this bed is a single bed, the other has no difference.

3) Shared En-suite: in this room type, your bedroom (single bed) and study area are private, but the washroom, bathroom and washbasin are shared with another person (Private access, i.e. the corridor is not shared).

4) Private shared bathroom: separate bedroom, study area, shared bathroom, etc. (Communal corridor, this corridor is shared).

5) Single study plus: private bedroom and study area, 3/4 bed, hand basin. Shared toilet, bathroom (and no more than 5 people).

6) Single study: Private single bed, study area, wash hand basin. Shared bathroom, toilet (and no more than 5 people)

7) Shared study: this is generally your bed and washbasin in a small room is private, but the study area, toilet, bathroom is to be shared with others (study area tables and chairs are put in sets according to the number of people).

Jubilee Campus

This campus has two halls, each with 200-400 students. It’s 5 minutes from the city centre by bus.

There is no choice for the type of room, they are all en-suite, just like the one described above.

University of Nottingham Halls of Residence Accommodation/Application Guide
1. Self-catered sites (no meals included)
Self-catered sites are located in 8 places: Albion House (for undergraduates only); Broadgate Park, Raleigh Park, St Peter’s Court, Bonington Hall (for undergraduates and postgraduates); Melton Hall, Cloister House (for undergraduates and postgraduates); and Cloister House (for undergraduates and postgraduates). Melton Hall, Cloister House (these 2 are only available to postgraduate students); Lonsdale Hall in Derby is available to students for study (no accommodation).

About Meals
There are restaurants in these halls, but the difference is that the university does not subsidise your student card and you have to pay for your own meals.

The common areas of the halls of residence are cleaned once a week by the cleaning staff, but you are responsible for the interior of your room.

You need to bring your bedding and there are also laundry facilities.

Room Types
The room types here are similar to the ones above, but with a few more options. For example, in Broadgate hall, there are a few more types of rooms:

1) Standard: Private bedroom, study area, a kitchen and 2 toilets for 6 people.

(2) Standard Large Standard Large (you know it well): private bedroom (larger area! The bed is also bigger); 1 kitchen and 2 bathrooms for 5 people.

3) Twin En-suite Studio: It’s kind of a two-person room, and the bedrooms are all together. There are two sets of tables and chairs. The kitchen and bathroom are shared by two people.

Dormitory Location

1-12 is University Park, where the halls with meals are located.

13-14 are the two halls on Jubilee Campus, which are also catered.

15-20 are the halls that do not include meals.

You can choose to submit your application online on the school’s official website, or you can consult with the school’s relevant departments, and they will recommend the right resources for you.

Besides these two Halls, the school also has some third-party accommodations with off-campus cooperation, mostly some flats, which are also certified safe options. For example www.en.uhomes.com

Nottingham it is a particularly good location, located in the middle of the United Kingdom, it is very convenient to go to any city, small cities can be the same day round trip. The world is so big when you have time, remember to go out and see the scenery

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