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U.S. News Ranking 2025: College Ranking For You To Choose School

On June 25, 2024, the U.S. News ranking was released, which covers a total of 2,250 colleges and universities from 104 countries around the world.

Exploring the World’s Top Universities with U.S. News & World Report Ranking will lead you to the forefront of education. We analyze and evaluate the performance of universities worldwide in terms of teaching quality, research impact, internationalization and resource investment.

The aim is to help students fully understand the unique appeal and competitive advantages of each university. Whether you are a student or a career planner, our blog will provide in-depth insights and valuable information on the latest developments and trends in this U.S.News College rankings.

What is U.S. News Ranking?

U.S. News & World Report Rankings: Published annually by U.S. News & World Report, these rankings assess universities and academic disciplines globally and are highly regarded.

Impact: The U.S. News Ranking 2024 significantly influence students, educators, and institutions, helping them understand the strengths and weaknesses of universities.

Ranking Categories:

  • Undergraduate Rankings: Evaluate U.S. undergraduate institutions based on factors like academic reputation, student retention, faculty, resources, and graduation rates.
  • Graduate School Rankings: Assess graduate programs in areas such as business, law, medicine, and engineering.
  • Global University Rankings: Analyze universities worldwide, focusing on research output, academic reputation, and international collaboration.

Ranking Process: The process of U.S. News University Rankings is transparent, relying on data provided by universities and verified third-party statistics, rigorously reviewed by U.S. News to ensure accuracy.

What are the indicators of U.S. News Rankings 2024-2025?

Ranking IndicatorProportion weight
Global research reputation12.50%
Regional research reputation12.50%
Normalized citation impact10%
Total citations7.50%
Number of publications that are among the 10% most cited12.50%
Percentage of total publications that are among the 10% most cited10%
International collaboration – relative to Country5%
International collaboration5%
Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1% most cited in their respective field5%
Percentage of total publications that are among the top 1% most highly cited papers5%

2025 U.S.News College Ranking Top 200 List

Ranking Institution Country
1 Harvard University United States
2 Massachusetts Institutes of Technology(MIT) United States
3 Stanford University United States
4 University of Oxford United Kingdom
5 University of California Berkeley United States
6 University of Cambridge United Kingdom
7 University College London United Kingdom
7 University of Washington Seattle United States
9 Columbia University United States
10 Yale University United States
11 University of California Los Angeles United States
12 Imperial College London United Kingdom
13 John Hopkins University United States
14 University of Pennsylvania United States
15 University of California San Fransico United States
16 Tsinghua University China
17 University of Toronto Canada
18 Princeton University United States
19 Cornell University United States
19 University of Michigan United States
21 University of California San Diego United States
22 National University of Singapore Singapore
23 California Institute of Technology United States
24 Northwestern University United States
25 University of Chicago United States
26 Duke University United States
27 Nanayng Technolgical University Singapore
27 University of Melbourne Australia
29 University of Sydney Australia
30 Washington University(WUSTL) United States
31 Peking University China
32 New York University United States
33 ETH Zurich Switzerland
33 University of Amsterdam Netherlands
35 Monash University Australia
36 King’s College London United Kingdom
36 University of New South Wales Sydney Australia
38 University of Edingburgh United Kingdom
39 University of British Columbia Canada
40 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai United States
41 University of Queensland Australia
42 Chinese University of Hong Kong HongKong, China
43 University Paris Cite France
44 University of Copenhagen Denmark
44 University of Hong Kong HongKong, China
46 Utrecht University Netherlands
47 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill United States
48 Humboldt University of Berlin Germany
48 KU Leuven Belgium
50 University of Pittsburgh United States
51 Karolinska Institutet Sweden
51 Zhejiang University China
53 University of Munich Germany
54 Shanghai Jiao Tong University China
55 Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg Germany
56 Leiden University Netherlands
56 Mcgill University Canada
56 Sorbonne Universite France
56 University of Texas Austin United States
60 University of Zurich Switzerland
61 Ohio State University United States
61 University of Glasgow United Kingdom
63 Emory University United States
63 University of Minnesota Twin Cities United States
63 Vanderbilt University United States
66 Free University of Berlin Germany
67 Hong Kong Polytechnic University HongKong, China
67 University of Manchester United Kingdom
69 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS China
70 Eramus University Rotterdam Netherlands
70 Georgia Institute of Technology United States
72 University of Maryland College Park United States
73 Boston University United States
74 King Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia
74 University of Wisconsin Madison United States
76 Universite Paris Saclay France
76 University of Groningen Netherlands
78 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands
79 City University of Hong Kong HongKong, China
79 University of Barcelona Spain
79 University of Southern California Spain
82 Technical University of Munich Germany
82 University of Science&Technolgy of China, CAS China
84 University of Tokyo Japan
85 Australian National University Australia
85 Fudan University China
85 University of Technology Sydney Austrlia
88 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Switzerland
89 University of California Davis United States
89 University of California Santa Barbara United States
91 University of Western Australia Australia
92 Queen Mary University London United Kingdom
92 University of Adelaide Australia
94 Rockefeller University United States
94 University of Birmingham United Kingdom
96 Pennsylvania State University United States
96 University of Bristol United Kingdom
98 Nanjing University China
98 University of Colorado Boulder United States
100 Huazhong University of Science&Technology China
100 King Abdullah University of Science&Technology Saudi Arabia
100 University of California Irvine United States
100 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign United States

Ranking Institution Country
100 Huazhong University of  Science&Technology China
100 King Abdullah University of Science&Technology Saudi Arabia
100 University of California Irvine United States
100 Universityiof Illinois Urbana-Champaign United States
104 University of Oslo Norway
105 Hong Kong University of Science&Technology HongKong, China
106 Sun Yat Sen University China
106 University of Florida United States
108 Wuhan University China
109 Ghent University Belgium
109 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas United States
111 University of Bern Switzerland
112 Universite PSL France
113 University of Helsinki Finland
114 Wageningen University&Research Netherlands
115 University of Arizona United States
116 University of Cape Town South Africa
117 Aarhus University Denmark
117 Radbound University Nijmegen Netherlands
119 Hunan University China
119 University of Geneva Switzerland
121 London School of Hygenie&Tropical Medicine United Kingdom
122 University of Exeter United Kingdom
123 Michigan State University United States
123 University of Southampton United Kingdom
125 Lund University Sweden
125 University of Virginia United States
127 McMaster University Canada
127 Universidade de Sao Paulo Brazil
129 University of California Santa Cruz United States
130 University of Bologna Italy
130 University of Padua Italy
132 University of Auckland New Zealand
133 Autonomous University of Barcelona Spanish
134 Carnegie Mellon University United States
135 Indiana University Bloomington United States
135 Seoul National University(SNU) Korea
137 Baylor College of Medicine United States
137 University of Liverpool United Kingdom
137 Weizmann Institute of Science Israel
140 Sapienza University Rome Italy
141 University of Leeds United Kingdom
142 King Saud University Saudi Arabia
142 Swinburne University of Technology Australia
142 University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus United States
142 University of Nottingham United Kingdom
146 University of Hamburg Germany
147 University of Milan Italy
148 Oregon Health&Science University United States
148 Rutgers University New Brunswick United States
150 University of Alberta Canada
150 University of Utah United States
150 Uppsala University Sweden
153 Brown University United States
153 Stockholm University Sweden
153 Tongji University China
153 University of Electronic Science&Technology China China
157 Southern University of Science&Technology China
157 University of Bonn Germany
159 Newcastle University-UK United Kingdom
160 Case Western Reserve University United States
160 Harbin Institute of Technology China
160 University of Gothenburg Sweden
160 University of Sheffield United Kingdom
164 Cankaya University Turkey
164 Curtin University Australia
164 University of Alabama Birmingham United States
167 Purdue University West Lafayette Campus United States
168 Central South University China
168 Kyoto University Japan
168 University of Basel Sweden
171 Texas A&M University College Station United States
172 University of Gottingen Germany
172 University of Warwick United Kingdom
174 University of Montreal Canada
175 University of Lausanne Sweden
175 University of Massachusetts Amherst United States
177 Deakin University Australia
177 Tel Aviv University Israel
179 Arizona State University-Tempe United States
179 Beijing Insitute of Technology China
179 Maastricht University Netherlands
179 Xi’an Jiaotong University China
183 Southwest University-China China
184 Cardiff University United Kingdom
184 Queensland University of Technology(QUT) Austrlia
184 Technical University of Denmark Denmark
187 Delft University of Technology Netherlands
187 Shenzhen University China
187 South China University of Technology China
187 University of Naples Federico II Italy
191 Nankai University China
192 Macquarie University Australia
192 University of Waterloo Canada
194 University of Leicester United Kingdom
195 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology(RMIT) Australia
195 Tianjin University China
197 Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen Germany
198 Xiamen University China
199 Aix-Marseille Universite France
199 University of Rochester United States

2025 U.S.News University Ranking Top 10

U.S. News Ranking Institution Country
1 Harvard University United States
2 Massachusetts Institutes if Technology(MIT) United States
3 Standford University United States
4 University of Oxford United Kingdom
5 Columbia University United States
6 University of Cambridge United Kingdom
7 University College London United Kingdom
7 University of Washington Seattle United States
9 Columbia University United States
10 Yale University United States

Harvard University is still sitting in the world’s Top 1 of U.S. News World Ranking, and it attracts a lot of art students scrambling to applyEconomics, Political Science, Computer science, Biology, Law, Medicine, and Business are popular with students. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University followed Harvard, ranking the same as before, respectively ranked in the global Top 2, and Top 3.

University of California Berkeley deserves to be the No. 1 public school in the United States, on the list of global Top 5. It also offers a very large number of rich majors such as Computer Science, Engineering, Economics, Business, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology.

The University of Washington ranked among the world’s Top 7 in 2025 U.S. News US University Rankings. As a strong interaction school, the University of Washington’s employment rate is very high, known as the most popular Silicon Valley interaction graduates of the institution.

Columbia University ranked Top 9 in the world, has a very bright ranking. As one of the Ivy League Universities, Columbia University is also very popular with students, and it is super-topped for drama and theatre arts, film and media studies, music, and visual arts!

Yale University is ranked in the Top 10 globally in U.S. News World Ranking. Yale’s Political Science, History, Economics, English, Psychology, and other majors have caused a lot of students to compete to apply.

2025 U.S. News Ranking USA University Rankings

Ranking in the US Institution U.S.News Ranking
1 Princeton University 18
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2
3 Harvard University 1
4 Stanford University 3
5 Yale University 10
6 California Institute of Technology 23
6 Duke University 26
6 Johns Hopkins University 13
6 Northwestern University 24
10 University of Pennsylvania 14
11 Cornell University 19
11 University of Chicago 25
13 Brown University 153
14 Columbia University 9
15 Dartmouth College 320
16 University of California, Los Angeles 11
17 University of California, Berkeley 5
18 Rice University 223
19 University of Notre Dame 322
20 Vanderbilt University 63

Do you know the best universities in the USA? Firstly, Ivy League schools like Harvard UniversityPrinceton University, and Yale University are still at the forefront of the 2025 U.S. News US University Ranking. These universities are regarded as top universities in the world because of their outstanding academic resources, strong faculty teams, and profound alumni network. There are also some remarkable changes in the ranking this year. For example, Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have narrowed the gap to Ivy League schools due to the rapid development in the technology field.

In addition, this U.S. News & World Report Rankings this year emphasize the indicator of diversity and innovations of students and make some public universities have significant progress, including the University of California Los Angeles and the University of California Berkeley. Their powerful research ability and extensive courses make more students apply to these universities.

2025 U.S. News & World Report Rankings- Top 20 UK University

Ranking in the UK Institution U.S. News Ranking
1 University of Oxford 4
2 University of Cambridge 6
3 University College London 7
4 Imperial College London 12
5 King’s College London 36
6 University of Edinburgh 38
7 University of Glasgow 61
8 University of Manchester 67
9 Queen Mary University London 92
10 University of Birmingham 94
11 University of Bristol 96
12 London School of Hygenie&Tropical Medicine 121
13 University of Exeter 122
14 University of Southampton 123
15 University of Liverpool 137
16 University of Leeds 141
17 University of Nottingham 142
18 Newcastle University-UK 159
19 University of Sheffield 160
20 University of Warwick 172

Among the U.S. News College Ranking global Top 10, there are 3 UK Colleges on the list, which are the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge and University College London.

University College London, as the most grounded G5 institution, is ranked as high as No. 1 in the 2024 QS Global Top 10 in Architecture, while Film, Pure Arts and Interaction are also very impressive.

Imperial College is ranked 12th in the world, a ranking that is not as impressive as the 2nd place it achieved in the 2025 QS World University Rankings, The last G5 institution, King’s College London, is ranked Top 36.

The University of Edinburgh, the legendary G6 choice, is ranked Top 38 in U.S. News World Ranking, and it offers a range of top majors in the UK, including Informatics, Business and Management, Medicine and Life Sciences, Law, and Social Sciences.

2025 U.S. News College Ranking-Australia Top 20

Ranking in Australia Institution U.S. News Ranking
1 University of Melbourne 27
2 University of Sydney 29
3 Monash University 35
4 University of New South Wales Sydney 36
5 University of Queensland 41
6 Australian National University 85
6 University of Technology Sydney 85
8 University of Western Australia 91
9 University of Adelaide 92
10 Swinburne University of Technology 142
11 Curtin University 164
12 Deakin University 177
13 Queensland University of Technology(QUT) 184
14 Macquarie University 192
15 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology(RMIT) 195
16 University of Wollongong 204
17 University of Newcastle 235
18 Griffith University 239
19 Western Sydney University 278
20 La Trobe University 284

The performance of Australian universities in the U.S. News Global University Rankings 2025 is notable. Overall, Australian universities have improved their U.S. News University ranking significantly across several subject areas, demonstrating the growing international competitiveness of Australian higher education. Australia’s top universities, represented by The University of Sydney and The University of Melbourne, continue to maintain their leading position in the world university rankings.

The University of Sydney has steadily risen a few places thanks to its outstanding performance in the disciplines of medicine, life sciences and engineering. The University of Melbourne, on the other hand, made significant progress in the social sciences and humanities, further cementing its international reputation.

In addition, The Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Queensland also performed well in U.S. News Rankings 2024. ANU’s research achievements in natural sciences and computer science have attracted more international students and researchers. The University of Queensland performed well in the areas of environmental and agricultural sciences, reflecting its research strength and influence in these fields.

2025 U.S. News Ranking- Top 20 China University

Ranking in China Institution U.S. News Ranking
1 Tsinghua University 16
2 Peking University 31
3 Zhejiang University 51
4 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 54
5 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS 69
6 University of Science & Technology of China, CAS 82
6 Fudan University 85
8 Nanjing University 98
9 Huazhong University of Science & Technology 100
10 Sun Yat Sen University 106
11 Wuhan University 108
12 Hunan University 119
13 Tongji University 153
13 University of Electronic Science & Technology of China 153
15 Southern University of Science & Technology 157
16 Harbin Institute of Technology 160
17 Central South University 168
18 Beijing Institute of Technology 179
18 Xi’an Jiaotong University 179
20 Southeast University – China 183

2025 U.S. News World Ranking-HongKong, China

Ranking in Hong Kong, China Institution U.S. News Ranking
1 Chinese University of Hong Kong 42
2 University of Hong Kong 44
3 Hong Kong Polytechnic University 67
4 City University of Hong Kong 79
5 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 105
6 Hong Kong Baptist University 471
7 Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) 708
8 Lingnan University 1335

The 2025 U.S. News rankings show that Chinese universities continue to make significant progress globally. Tsinghua University and Peking University have steadily risen in the rankings, coming in at No. 13 and No. 27, demonstrating the continued improvement in the quality of education and the impact of their research. In addition, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Science and Technology of China also entered the top 50 in U.S. News & World Report Rankings, ranking 36th and 42nd respectively, implying a significant improvement in the overall standard of China’s higher education and enhanced international recognition.

Besides, The University of Hong Kong is firmly in the top 20 of the U.S. News College Ranking, coming in at number 19, demonstrating its excellence in terms of quality of education and international reach. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) also performed well, coming in at 23rd place, highlighting its leadership in the fields of science, technology and engineering. The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the City University of Hong Kong ranked 31st and 45th in U.S.News University Ranking, students can realize the overall strength and international competitiveness of several Hong Kong universities in different fields.

Conclusion about U.S. News Ranking

When students make college choices, you can refer to the 2025 U.S. News & World Report Rankings, which reflect the diversity and competitiveness of higher education around the world. Stanford University and Harvard University in the U.S. provide students with a quality academic environment based on excellence in teaching and research. The UK’s Oxford, Cambridge and UCL are both traditional and emerging forces to consider. The University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney in Australia excel in research and internationalization and are suitable for students seeking a global perspective. China’s Tsinghua University and Peking University attract international students with their excellence in fields such as engineering and technology. The University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong, China, are highly recognized for their internationalization and quality of education, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a global education experience.

FAQ about U.S.News Ranking

The U.S. News ranking is widely recognized and influential, particularly in the United States. It assesses universities based on various factors like academic reputation, faculty resources, and student outcomes. Its methodology heavily weights metrics that might not fully capture diverse aspects of university excellence, such as teaching quality or inclusivity. Thus, while valuable for comparative purposes, it’s advisable to complement it with other rankings and qualitative assessments for a more comprehensive view.

As the U.S. News ranking shows, the #1 ranked college in America is often Princeton University. Known for its strong academic programs, selective admissions, and substantial endowment, Princeton consistently ranks highly due to its rigorous academics, renowned faculty, and rich historical legacy in higher education.

The most reliable university rankings include QS World University Rankings, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and U.S. News & World Report Rankings. These rankings assess universities based on factors like academic reputation, research excellence, faculty quality, and international collaboration, offering diverse perspectives on global academic performance.

Yale University, renowned for its Ivy League status and academic excellence, is known for its liberal arts education, distinguished faculty, and historic campus. It is particularly recognized for strong programs in law, medicine, business, and humanities, emphasizing critical thinking and research. Yale’s alumni include numerous Nobel laureates, world leaders, and influential figures across various fields.

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia is often considered the top high school in America. Known for its academic programs focusing on STEM disciplines, it consistently ranks high due to its competitive admissions process and strong academic performance. Also, the school emphasis on advanced coursework and research opportunities contributes to its reputation as a leading institution.

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