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10 High Paying Majors That Are Often Overlooked in the USA

Choosing high paying majors in the USA is a critical option for our personal growth and future. Unlock the potential of overlooked opportunities with our list of “10 High-Paying Majors  That Are Often Overlooked in the USA.” There are numerous lesser-known fields that offer high paying degrees.

Average College Graduate Salaries: 2024 Projections

This academic year, graduates are poised to encounter slightly dimmer hiring prospects than those of the previous year, according to insights from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). Yet, amidst this shift, there’s an uplifting trend as salary projections for bachelor’s degree holders in high paying majors and degrees with high paying jobs are on the rise.

The data underscores the enduring value of a college education as a pathway to lucrative employment. On average, individuals with bachelor’s degrees enjoy salaries that outpace high school graduates by 50 per cent. This financial advantage is likely why a sizeable portion of U.S. adults—35 per cent, as per Bankrate’s Home Affordability Survey—esteem a college degree as an integral part of achieving the American Dream.

Despite the promising salary outlook for certain fields, the financial burden of college is a reality that cannot be ignored. Not all academic pursuits lead to equally prosperous careers, and many students must navigate the complexities of student loan debt to fund their education. It’s imperative for students to weigh the salary potential and job market for their chosen major, especially when considering the financial commitment of pursuing degrees with high paying jobs. This foresight will help determine a reasonable investment in one’s educational journey and future earning potential.

10 High Paying Majors Nobody knows about in the USA

The emergence of artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies has led to a surge in certain engineering fields, while labor shortages are being experienced in others. According to the latest report from the American Society for Engineering Education, in the 2021-2022 academic year, American universities awarded nearly 142,000 bachelor’s degrees in engineering, with the majority (over 100,000) in the fields of mechanical, computer science, and electrical. Because the hot majors attract so many students, the competition is naturally fierce. In contrast, the less popular fields have become the darlings of the labor due to the smaller number of people studying them.

1. Nuclear Engineering—$125,460/Year

Nuclear engineers, who are tasked with overseeing the operations of nuclear facilities and tackling research and development projects, play a critical role in addressing challenges related to the release, control, and application of nuclear energy, as well as the management of nuclear waste. The American Society for Engineering Education’s report reveals that during the 2021-2022 academic year, a mere 381 bachelor’s degrees were awarded in this specialized field.

Historical accidents at nuclear power plants, such as the devastating incident at Fukushima following the 2011 tsunami in Japan and the infamous Chernobyl disaster of 1986, have at times dampened interest in this area. Nevertheless, the United States maintains 54 commercial nuclear power plants across 28 states, housing 94 nuclear reactors, and there is potential for the revival of some recently decommissioned plants. This underlines the ongoing need for professionals in this sector.

Among the highest paying degrees and high paying college degrees, nuclear engineering stands out. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that nuclear engineers earn an annual salary that far exceeds the average for all engineers, which is $104,600, with the potential to reach up to $125,460 per year. Looking ahead, the Bureau projects a 1% growth in employment for nuclear engineers over the next decade, anticipating 13,900 job openings by 2032.

Nuclear Engineering high paying majors

2. Technical Writing—$80,050/Year

While it’s widely recognized that STEM fields offer a wealth of job opportunities, it’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario, and not everyone is inclined or skilled in these areas. Instead of forcing a career in coding, it’s wise to merge personal passions with the dynamic realm of technology. Technical collaboration presents a promising path!

Technical writing is a field that’s continuously evolving, and seasoned technical writers can rake in over $100,000 annually, making it one of the high paying college degrees. Technical writing entails simplifying complex information into accessible language—for instance, crafting in-depth user guides for novel products. Writers who master this skill can opt for freelance work, partner with Fortune 500 companies, or find jobs in small businesses across diverse sectors.

Additionally, this field isn’t as demanding in terms of educational prerequisites. With technical writing certifications and two-year degree programs available, a four-year degree isn’t a necessity, positioning it among the highest paying business degrees and high paying majors that don’t require math. As per the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the median annual salary for professionals in this field is $80,050, offering a return on educational investment.

Technical Writing high paying majors

3. Human Centered Design and Engineering—$25,460/Year

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, a new major has emerged that places the human experience at its core: human-centered design and engineering. This cutting-edge field is dedicated to amplifying the impact of technology on human activities. During the course of study and through practical internships, students are immersed in an exploration of the interaction between people and technology in everyday situations. They will engage in hands-on experiments to test the user-friendliness of various technologies, seeking to understand the nuances of human-technology interfaces.

The program is designed to equip students with the skills to leverage new technologies in addressing common challenges and making daily life more convenient. Where some may find the realm of pure technology to be lacking in personal connection, the integration of human factors into this major serves to enrich the learning experience. By focusing on the human element, students are encouraged to think creatively about how technology can be more intuitive, accessible, and beneficial to society at large. This approach not only makes the study of technology more vibrant and relevant but also prepares graduates to develop solutions that truly resonate with the needs and behaviors of users.

high paying majors

4. Decision Sciences—$12,580/Year

Does the idea of a major centered on critical thinking and problem-solving, with a strong emphasis on statistics and mathematics, pique your interest? That’s the heart of a Decision Science degree. Students immerse themselves in coursework on project management, business systems, and data analytics. Graduates are primed to step into roles as consultants, analysts, or data scientists across a wide array of industries. You might end up addressing challenges in market research, IT, finance, or even urban planning.

As Decision Science isn’t confined to a single sector but is versatile across many, the salary spectrum can be quite broad. Nonetheless, it’s among the high paying degrees, and the starting salaries for some roles are particularly attractive, which is why it’s considered one of the high paying college degrees, including for those with highest paying associate degrees.

5. Biometric Systems—$21,710/Year

Biometric recognition systems, comprising intricate hardware and software, are tasked with measuring human attributes, comparing them with a database, and making application-specific decisions based on the identification outcomes of this matching procedure. In areas like law enforcement, security access, banking, and across various commercial and administrative sectors, the use of biometric systems for personal identification is on the rise.

Biometric recognition stands as a highly interdisciplinary field, blending conventional engineering with forensic science, and calls for expertise in biometric technologies as well as engineering, with a solid background in statistics and mathematics.

Though the industry might not be vast, the pool of specialists in this domain is similarly limited. This balance makes it a niche that’s among the highest paying degrees, offering a promising career path, especially when compared to high paying college degrees that don’t require math or the high paying jobs for communication majors.

6. Occupational therapy—$96,370/Year

Occupational therapists play a vital role in helping those who are injured, ill, or have disabilities adapt to their daily lives, offering a rewarding and relatively less intense career path compared to conventional medical fields. While it may entail obtaining an advanced degree, this field is one of the highest paying degrees and is a compelling choice for those looking to make a difference.

Many universities offer combined degree programs, such as a Bachelor of Health Science paired with a Master of Occupational Therapy, providing a seamless transition into the profession. With a median annual salary of $96,370, occupational therapy stands out as a high paying college degree that’s poised for rapid growth, as the value of compassionate care is increasingly acknowledged.

 This makes it an attractive option for psychology majors seeking high paying jobs, as well as for those interested in high paying jobs for communication majors, without the need for extensive math skills. The degree is easy high paying degrees,demonstrating that empathy and care can lead to lucrative careers.

7. Soil Conservation—$100,000/Year

If you’re intrigued by organic farming and sustainable agriculture, and you aced all your science courses in high school, a major in Soil Conservation could be a perfect fit for you. This interdisciplinary field merges physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science to focus on soil health.

After completing your degree, you’ll often find yourself collaborating with farmers, public health groups, or government entities such as the United States Department of Agriculture, working to enhance soil quality and boost nutrient levels for larger and more robust crop yields. In the realm of soil conservation, which is among the highest paying degrees, seasoned professionals can pull in nearly $100,000 annually, making it a high paying college degree and a lucrative path for biology majors.

 It’s also a standout choice for those seeking the highest paying business degrees, as it combines scientific knowledge with practical applications that have a significant impact on the agricultural industry.

Soil Conservation

8. Aeronautical Engineering—$112,000/Year

With the world’s air traffic on the rise, so is the investment in various industries that rely on aircraft, such as travel, military aviation, and space research. Commercial, technological, and political factors play a crucial role in shaping the industry.

As an aeronautical engineer, you will play a pivotal role in designing and constructing aircraft and their components, all of which operate within the Earth’s atmosphere.

The global market for aeronautical engineering is projected to soar to 81.7 billion USD by 2033, making it a high paying major and a high paying degree for those who aspire to contribute to this dynamic and innovative field.

9. Civil Engineering—$130,000/Year

Real estate remains a go-to high-budget investment choice for numerous individuals globally. The construction of residential and commercial structures adds significant value to the real estate sector, as these endeavors typically yield a handsome return on investment through rental income.

In addition to individual projects, civil engineers can also contribute to high-budget government initiatives, such as town planning and city infrastructure development projects.

The current market for civil engineering is valued at USD 8,652.3 billion, with a projected year-on-year growth rate of 5.9%. Consequently, civil engineering continues to be a high-paying major and a high-paying degree in 2024, making it one of the easiest college majors with high pay.

Civil Engineering

10. Linguistics—$57,090/Year

If you’re captivated by the intricacies of language, a degree in linguistics can pave the way to a rewarding and lucrative career. Linguistics majors have a wide array of career paths to choose from, including editing, translation, and teaching foreign languages.

The median annual salary for interpreters and translators is $57,090, showcasing that linguistics is not only a high-paying major but also a high-paying degree for those interested in language-related fields. For English majors seeking high-paying jobs, a linguistics degree offers a valuable skill set that is in demand across various industries. Additionally, it’s one of the high-paying majors that doesn’t require a strong background in math, making it an attractive option for those who excel in language studies.

Linguistics high paying majors

How should you balance your passion with potential earnings when choosing a major?

Evaluate the job market for your desired field and pinpoint avenues for advancement and stability. Reflect on how your interests intersect with potential career trajectories and earning potential, especially if you’re considering majors beyond economics degrees.

Seek advice from experts in your field of interest and consider internships to gain practical experience.

Some compromises may be necessary, but striking a balance that fulfills both your passion and financial aspirations will lead to a fulfilling and sustainable career. Remember to explore the highest paying associate degrees and high paying majors that align with your interests and goals.

What are the elements needed to consider when choosing one of the high paying majors?

When selecting a high paying major, it’s crucial to consider several key factors that will shape your future career and satisfaction:

Personal Interests

Keep your major with your interests and passions to maintain long-term motivation and enthusiasm. Engaging with subjects that captivate you will not only make your studies more fulfilling but also increase your likelihood of success in the workforce.

Job Market Demand

Research industries that are experiencing high demand for professionals with your chosen major. This will help ensure that there are job opportunities available for you once you graduate, reducing the risk of unemployment and increasing your employability.

Job Market Demand

Salary Potential

Evaluate the average salaries for roles within your desired industry to get a sense of the earning potential associated with your major. This information will help you make an informed decision about your career path and whether the potential financial rewards are in line with your expectations.

Career Growth

Consider the opportunities for career advancement and growth within your chosen field. Some majors may offer faster career progression, while others may require additional education or specialized training to move up the career ladder.

Skills and Abilities

Assess your strengths, skills, and abilities to choose a major that complements your strengths and enhances your career prospects. A major that builds upon your existing skills and interests can lead to greater success in the job market.

Work-Life Balance

Consider the work hours, stress levels, and flexibility associated with different careers. Some high-paying majors may require long hours or a high level of stress, which may not be suitable for everyone.

Networking Opportunities

Evaluate the networking opportunities available in your chosen field. Strong professional connections can lead to job offers, mentorship, and other career-boosting opportunities.

Continuing Education

Consider whether your major will require further education or if it offers opportunities for further study. Some fields may require additional certifications or advanced degrees to stay current and competitive.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about which high-paying college major is right for you and set yourself up for a fulfilling and successful career.


High paying majors are not always the most obvious choices, but they are certainly worth exploring. They offer a path to a prosperous and fulfilling career, while also providing the stability and growth potential that many individuals seek. So, as you embark on your academic journey, don’t be afraid to consider these overlooked majors. They may just be the key to unlocking a world of opportunities and success.


  1. To find high-paying majors that are often overlooked, you can start by researching industries that are experiencing labor shortages and high demand for specialized skills.
  2. Look into fields such as nuclear engineering, technical writing, and human-centered design and engineering, which are known for offering competitive salaries but may not be as widely recognized as more traditional majors. 

  1. When choosing a major, it’s important to find a balance between your passion and potential earnings. Evaluate the job market for your desired field and consider the opportunities for advancement and stability.
  2. Reflect on how your interests intersect with potential career trajectories and earning potential. Seek advice from experts in your field of interest and consider internships to gain practical experience.
  3. Some compromises may be necessary, but finding a balance that fulfills both your passion and financial aspirations will lead to a fulfilling and sustainable career.

When choosing a high-paying college major, it’s crucial to consider several key factors that will shape your future career and satisfaction.


These include personal interests, job market demand, salary potential, career growth opportunities, skills and abilities, work-life balance, networking opportunities, and continuing education requirements.


By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about which high-paying college major is right for you and set yourself up for a fulfilling and successful career.

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