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Top 10 Colleges Where the Student Competition Is Real and Fierce in the United States

How does student study in the Top 10 college with fierce student competition? As it known to us all, the study pressure in US universities is huge, staying up late to study is not a rare thing, but there are also university students especially hard, in addition to study or study in a day! Today, let’s take a look at the Top 10 colleges where students spend the most time studying on average. 

Top 10 College with Fierce Student Competition in US

Brown University - Rank 10th in the Top 10 colleges

Top 10 college with student competition Brown university

Total undergraduate student population: 7,639

Graduation rate within 4 years: 86%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 95%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 96%

Brown University is the 10th of the Top 10 college with fierce student competition. Admission to Brown University is extremely competitive and is one of the most difficult universities in the United States. However, the university has always adhered to the Brown Curriculum and full freedom of academic life. Therefore, Brown University admissions requires students to have a strong sense of independence and autonomy. Because only such a person can adapt to the atmosphere of Brown University and become a very independent and independent person.

Brown university is committed to undergraduate freedom, which means students have the right to refuse to take courses they don’t like. Meanwhile, they can freely choose their own interest direction in the more than 2,000 courses in the university, and even professional courses are designed by students. Students rave about the Ivy League university’s academic flexibility and emphasis on social action. However, this kind of academic freedom and openness will not cause students to be lazy and neglectful. On the contrary, after the admission of Brown freshmen, there will be professors as their academic mentors, and students will ask for guidance from the mentors after choosing courses and get the approval from their mentors.

Brown University’s Open Curriculum gives students a lot of freedom to choose the course. Although the course is not easy, it is also a happy thing that students can freely learn the subject they like. So at Brown university, we can see students pursuing their interests and their studies without anyone else pushing them.

So the reason Brown university can be the 10th Top 10 college with fierce student competition is not because the students compete academically with each other, but because there are a lot of people who are willing to volunteer a lot of effort on their study.

Harvey Mudd College - Rank 9th in the Top 10 Colleges

Top 10 college student competition with fierce

Total undergraduate student population: 905

Graduation rate within 4 years: 84%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 91%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 93%

Harvey Mudd college, a member of the Claremont College Alliance, placed ninth in the Top 10 Colleges with fierce student competition. Harvey Mudd College aims to train engineers, scientists, and mathematicians versed in the humanities, social sciences, and arts so that they can take leadership roles in their fields in a clear way and understands the impact of their work on society.

Admission to Harvey Mudd College is highly competitive, reflecting the college’s rigorous academic standards. Prospective students must demonstrate not only excellent grades, but also a genuine passion for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The average GPA of admitted students is very high, underscoring the status of the institution as a home for academic genius. However, during the Harvey Mudd College’s overall admissions process, the personal qualities, extracurricular involvement, and the potential to contribute to the campus community also place the key parts of the evaluation.

Harvey Mudd College boasts academic excellence and focuses on fostering the innovative spirit of its students. Harvey Mudd College offers a uniquely structured curriculum that seamlessly integrates the depth of technical education with a broad understanding of the humanities and social sciences. This interdisciplinary approach ensures that graduates become well-rounded individuals with a broad worldview and ready to tackle the complex challenges of our time. The curriculum of the college is carefully designed to promote critical thinking, creativity and innovation, enabling students to push the boundaries of what is possible.

The breadth of Harvey Mudd College’s education is realized through its membership of Claremont College, where students can pursue their interests beyond STEM fields in depth through other colleges within the College Consortium. In addition, the course is hard but rewarding, students said: “What people focus on is not the grades they get, but the learning behind the grades. The academics are perfect and cannot demand more rigorous and interesting learning.”

College of the Atlantic - Rank 8th in the Top 10 Colleges

College of the Atlantic student competition among top 10 college

Total undergraduate population: 366

Graduation rate within 4 years: 45%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 50%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 52%

College of the Atlantic is a very small college in beautiful Bar Harbor, Maine, but it ranks the eighth among the Top 10 college with real and fierce student competition. The number of the students in COA is small, which is currently only about 360. Moreover, College of the Atlantic forms a close-knit community where every student, faculty, and staff member is known by name. Meanwhile, this intimate environment encourages collaboration and fosters a sense of belonging and mutual support. The College maintains an impressive student-faculty ratio, ensuring that students have direct access to their tutors and can benefit from personalized guidance. So in this learning atmosphere, every student studies very hard.

College of the Atlantic offers a strong interdisciplinary approach to learning, strives to mold students into more creative and critical thinkers, and truly allows each undergraduate to construct his or her own unique path. Furthermore, one way to achieve this is through the college’s “inclusive governance system,” which gives undergraduates a say in what happens at the college, including things like approving new courses or reviewing internships.

Meanwhile, College of the Atlantic places a strong emphasis on experiential learning, encouraging students to engage directly with the world outside the classroom through internships, research projects, and community involvement. This hands-on approach ensures that students can graduate with not only the knowledge in their field, but also with practical skills and experience that prepared for a variety of careers.

Stonehill College - Rank 7th in the Top 10 Colleges

Top 10 college with student competition - Stonehill College​

Total undergraduate student population: 2,536

Graduation rate within 4 years: 80%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 84%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 85%

Founded in 1948 and located an hour south of Boston, Stonehill College ranked seventh in the Top 10 colleges with student competition we’re discussing today. Stonehill College prides itself on its fresh approach to combining education with faith, offering courses in everything from arts to business to STEM. Besides,  Stonehill College is known for its strong academics and tailored approach to education, where students can have the opportunity to complete a degree of their own creation. Although, academics at Stonehill are challenging, those who work hard are successful.

Stonehill College offers a rigorous academic experience with an emphasis on ethical leadership and social responsibility. At Stonehill College, education extends beyond the classroom and aims to foster not only intellectual growth, but also character and spirit. At the same time, Stonehill College provides diverse undergraduate programs, offering more than 80 majors. Whether your passion is in science, business, the arts or the humanities, Stonehill College’s courses are designed to challenge and inspire. In addition, small class sizes ensure personalized attention from teachers who are not only experts in their fields, but also dedicated mentors.

Although the study pressure is greater at Stonehill College, the study life at Stonehill is not monotonous. The campus is filled with a wide variety of clubs, organizations, and events that cater to a wide range of interests. From arts and cultural groups to leadership development programs and community service projects, students have ample opportunities to participate, lead and grow.

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology - Rank 6th in Top 10 Colleges

Total number of undergraduates: 2,168

Graduation rate within 4 years: 67%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 78%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 81%

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology located in Terre Haute, Indiana, has earned a reputation as an excellent undergraduate engineering college with a combination of strong academics and small class sizes, which is rare among technical institutions. Among its unique features, the College is pride of offering rigorous courses designed to prepare students for the challenges and demands of professional careers in these fields.

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology ranks sixth in the Top 10 College where the student competition is  fierce. The workload of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology courses is quite heavy, especially the sophomore engineering course. Besides, the course materials are difficult, however, the college will provide help to make the learning process as smooth as possible. Specifically, Rose-Holman encourages a culture of close attention to the individual, with faculty and staff committed to supporting students through the intense stress of the curriculum. This approach not only develops a deep understanding of the subject matter, but also develops the adaptive and problem-solving skills which are necessary for success in future endeavors.

College of Wooster - Rank 5th in Top 10 Colleges

student study competition in College of Worcester of Top 10 colleges

Total undergraduate student population: 1,967

Graduation rate within 4 years: 75%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 77%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 77%

The College of Worcester in Ohio is a small, close-knit community that offers a first-class education to its enrolled students. Among the Top 10 college with student competition, College of Worcester ranked the fifth. Additionally, independent study is a highlight of the undergraduate experience, enabling each student to undertake important research projects under the close guidance of a faculty member. Besides, in the upper years of independent study, students have the opportunity to work with faculty mentors on projects on any topic they are passionate about. This unique element of the Worcester curriculum ensures that by the time you graduate, you will not only have a degree, but also a well-rounded research study or creative work that showcases your skills and passions.

At the College of Worcester, we believe in fostering a positive academic atmosphere that encourages students to go beyond their own boundaries. Unlike a competitive environment, Worcester’s ethos is built on positive pressure – friendly encouragement of students to strive for excellence while supporting each other’s goals and well-being. This approach fosters a sense of community and collaboration that makes the College of Worcester a place where every student can thrive.

Williams College - Rank 4th in Top 10 Colleges

Williams College ranks fourth Top 10 college for student competition

Total undergraduate student population: 2,152

Graduation rate within 4 years: 85%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 92%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 94%

Tucked away in western Massachusetts, Williams College is a premier liberal arts college. With a diverse curriculum spanning the humanities, sciences, and social sciences, students are free to customize their educational path. Besides, small class sizes ensure personalized attention from teachers who are leaders in their fields, fostering an environment of intellectual engagement and discovery. At the same time, the school uses a unique tutorial system inspired by Oxford University, which encourages students and professors to engage in in-depth academic exploration through one-on-one interaction. Also, this unique approach underscores Williams College’s commitment to student-centered learning, critical thinking, and academic independence.

So for those who truly love learning and exploring new academic passions, Williams College, a highly selective institution, is the ideal place. It offers a perfect combination of liberal arts education and research opportunities and the courses offered are diverse and interesting. Meanwhile, no matter what class students take, they will learn how to think critically. While courses usually have “high expectations”, they also have “high rewards”.

Although Williams college is ranked fourth in the Top 10 colleges for student competition, students’ life at Williams is more than just academics. The College is a vibrant and active community. There are more than 200 student organizations here, from arts and cultural groups to environmental advocacy and social service clubs, and everyone can get involved. Williams College’s picturesque location also offers plenty of outdoor activities, including hiking, skiing and cycling, allowing students to connect with nature and take a break from their studies.

Reed College - Rank 3rd in Top 10 Colleges

Total undergraduate student population: 1,523

Graduation in 4 years: 62%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 73%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 77%

Reed College is ranked the third in the Top 10 College for student competition. Students in Reed College pursue Bachelor of Arts degrees in 38 majors, as well as 15 minors and two dual degree programs, with a curriculum that includes a one-year humanities program, extensive distribution requirements, and a senior thesis. Specifically, the Reed College offers a wide variety of programs covering the humanities, sciences, and arts, enabling students to tailor their education to their own interests and aspirations. Small class sizes ensure that students receive individualized attention from teachers. The 9:1 student-teacher ratio and conference-style curriculum allow teachers to truly guide students and have individual discussions with them, pushing the boundaries of traditional education. At the same time, the breadth, depth, and rigor of the curriculum prepare students well for almost any career.

Reed College’s commitment to academic excellence is accompanied by high expectations, and students often face intense academic pressure and competition. However, the Reed College recognizes the importance of balance and provides a supportive network of resources for the well-being of students. Academic support services, including tutoring, writing assistance and advice, are always available to help students manage their workload effectively. In addition, mental health and wellness services ensure that students receive care and support so that they can thrive in both academic and personal.

California Institute of Technology - Rank 2nd in Top 10 Colleges

Total undergraduate student population: 982

Graduation within 4 years: 86%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 90%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 93%

The California Institute of Technology took second place in the Top 10 college for fierce student competition. In addition to arguably one of the most rigorous undergraduate educations in the sciencesCalifornia Institute of Technology (Caltech) has a small, close-knit community dedicated to nurturing future leaders and pioneers in the sciences. There may be a strong emphasis on scientific learning and research, but not to the point where students are powerless, as the core curriculum exposes each student to a wide range of subjects rather than a stereotypical curriculum.

The high academic standards at California Institute of Technology bring tremendous pressure to the students during study. The curriculum is demanding and teachers’ expectations can be daunting. Students often find themselves juggling heavy course loads, research projects, and additional activities. However, Caltech is also known for its supportive community. For example, the faculty and staff are approachable and committed to mentoring students. Besides, the college has ample academic support resources, including tutoring services and study groups. Also, health services and counseling can help students manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. The College fosters an atmosphere in which academic challenges are given the support and resources necessary to enable students to thrive in an intense but rewarding environment.

Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering - Rank 1st in Top 10 Colleges

Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering student competition

Total undergraduate student population: 386

Graduation rate within 4 years: 78%

Graduation rate within 5 years: 97%

Graduation rate within 6 years: 97%

Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering ranks the top among the Top 10 college for student competition. Olin emphasizes forging their own academic paths for its around 380 undergraduate students, who gain skills through project-based learning over four years in order to use engineering and design to benefit the world. Classes are difficult, but fun and rewarding, and students can also take classes at nearby Babson College, Wellesley College, and Brandeis University.

The college’s project-based learning model requires students to work closely together in teams to solve real-world problems. This approach not only makes students to prepare for the collaborative nature of the engineering field, but also helps reduce the competitive pressures that are often present in traditional educational Settings. Additionally, students are evaluated on their contributions to team projects and their ability to work effectively with others, valuing collaboration over individual achievement.

While Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering’s innovative curriculum and project-based assignments are challenging, the institution offers academic counseling and mental health counseling resources to help students manage their workload and reduce stress. Furthermore, the professors at Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering are so dedicated that a professor once came to campus at 10 p.m. to help study and stayed until after midnight.

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Currently, Minerva University, located in San Francisco, California, is the most difficult institution to enroll around the world.

Junior year is the toughest academically, as students not only need to delve deeper into their major but also balance the internships but also their study and their future plans.

The top 5 hardest courses in college around the world are Engineering, Chartered Accountancy, Medicine, Quantum Mechanics and Pharmacy.

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